
Multiple computers on desk with plant

Why (and How) I switched from ManageWP to MainWP

ManageWP and MainWP are tools that allow you to manage or maintain multiple WordPress sites. If you have more than one WordPress site and you’re interested in managing them or are curious about the differences between ManageWP and MainWP, this post is for you.

Goal notebook, watch coffee and binder clips on a desk

2021 Year in Review

I don’t know about you, but sometimes my life feels busy and like I’m not really accomplishing anything. One way I try to remedy this is to stop, sit down and look back, especially at the new year. Seeing what did and didn’t work and deciding what I want to accomplish going forward brings some much needed clarity in my life.

Chalkboard with laptop and coffee

Getting the Right Things Done with Essentialism

After several friends and colleagues recommend Essentialism and after feeling exceptionally stressed about my list of obligations, I decided to check it out. Essentialism, The Disciplined Pursuit of Less, by Greg McKewon, is a book about getting the right things done vs. getting more done in less time. Read my summary and thoughts.

Woman's hand looking at iPhone and laptop

Sharing Content Across Multiple Channels

Recently I’ve had a number of clients ask me about content across channels — their website, their email list and social media. They know they should have their content everywhere, but where do they begin and what’s the most efficient way to share? My favorite way to start is with a new blog post on your website. Learn more.