What open loops do you have?
Last week I learned about the concept of open loop marketing.
I suppose I already knew about the idea before, I just didn’t know the name. (Like with songs. I never know the name of songs.)
Open loop marketing is basically like a cliffhanger. I Googled it (or searched it up as my teenager says), looking for a really great article to share, but settled on sharing this graphic that illustrates the point.
I do a lot of marketing (as you’re reading this email newsletter), but it dawned on me that people were using open loop marketing on ME and maybe that’s why I feel unsettled sometimes.
So I Googled “close open loops” and 🤯
I got two types of results. The closing time of a fast food restaurant in Columbus, Ohio named Loops AND a wealth of information about calming your mind, stress management, getting clarity and reducing overwhelm.
Yes, yes to stress management and clarity and as I always talk about – reducing overwhelm!
Two basic principles of closing loops are 1) to have a dedicated place to write everything down and 2) to do them if they’re 2 minutes or less. (Here’s a great Medium article and another from Habitgrowth if you want to learn more. As I understand, these are also GTD principles.)
Today I closed a few loops. I wrote everything down and tackled a few small tasks that have been hanging over my head for awhile. It feels good.
What open loops do you have and how can you close them? Reply to this email and let me know!
P.S. It’s February, which means Valentine’s Day is coming soon! I want to share a few of my very favorite products. Trail Botanica soaps (I love them all, but typically get the Everyday Care bundle), Naked Bee hand sanitizer (it smells like Smarties, which is amazing), Modern Roots hurricane lotion (another lovely smell of grapefruit, guava, fig and lemon) and Spring & Mulberry mixed berry chocolate bar (which tastes so good).
P.P.S. The podcast launched! Check it out on my website, watch on YouTube or listen here. I also published my 2022 year in review, if you’re into stuff like that.